(Still Dancing)
Keeping Dance Visible in NYC
In March 2020, the NYC dance world came to a halt.
Theaters shut down, and an entire industry that depends on proximity -- rehearsing and teaching in studios, performing on stages and film sets -- found itself isolated and out of work.
In Fall 2020, we invited dance artists to step into public spaces to remind themselves and New Yorkers: Dance is a creative force in our city.
In March 2021, we premiered these videos throughout New York City as a tribute to a year of dancing through quarantine.
Multi-screen Projections (March 13-21 at 21 Astor Pl.)
45-minute loop starting at sunset on March 13th.
LINKNYC video kiosks (March 8-26): 15 second video clips and still images running in rotation on kiosks
JCD Newstands & Bustops throughout Times Square Corridor (March 13-21) multiple 10 second video clips in rotation (often!)
Partner Organizations (March 13-21): 20+ NYC cultural venues show videos online and via street-level monitors
Watch the full series here, on our website
Dance Rising’s Video Tour (Still Dancing) is supported by The Harkness Foundation for Dance, John and Jody Arnhold | The Arnhold Foundation, John C. Robinson, The Village Alliance and other generous individuals. The Astor Place projections are possible with thanks to 4Wall Entertainment and GFP Real Estate
Kiosks, Screens + Partners
LINK NYC locations = Radio Tower
Projections = Camera
Partners with Screens =Orange Stars
Partners with Social Media = Blue Phones